Wednesday, December 16, 2015

On Cannabis 5 Years Later

So, it's been 5 years since I wrote my last post. Look at how much has changed since then. So much more awareness around the truth of the matter. WEED IS TRULY HARMLESS.

I have been an on and off user of the miracle plant since before I began this blog in 2009. I am smarter, more dedicated to life, love, and truth than ever before. No harm has come to me (other than the destruction of the contents of my refrigerator maybe, but I'm still only 145lbs *sadface*). I am healthy and alive. Furthermore, parents, maybe you should show this to your children instead of lying to them about them being on heroine in ten years.

I now digress as this was just a check in and a recalibration of work I have already began. Stay tuned in, tapped in, turn on for more high vibes in coming days.

Yours Truly,
I. Noble

P.S. - Here are some recent videos for you!




Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BAD THING?! Hardly...


Zay: "And for Humanity's sake people, please please please do your research before you debate about something."

Patients with HIV/Aids, cancer, migraines, nausea, chronic pain, glaucoma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, gastrointestinal disorders can benefit from its use and many other ailments can be eliminated, minimized or made bearable with the aid of medical marijuana.

So, how is it that something that has so many beneficial uses is not being further researched and capitalized on by our failing economy? Lol if you care to look behind the scenes as to why OBAMA can offer CHANGE...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Does Marijuana impair motor skills?

People all around the world have questions about marijuana and safety.

Questions like...

Will marijuana kill my brain cells?
Does it cause cancer of any sort?
Is it safe to drive after I smoke?

Well there's not much opinions can do to help with
the answers to these inquiries so let's role a video...

Let's face it...


A single glass of wine will impair your driving more than smoking a joint!
And under certain test conditions, the complex way alcohol and cannabis
combine to affect driving behavior suggests that someone who has
taken both may drive less recklessly than a person who is simply drunk...

And this simple fact brings me to the reason why
I'm here...
When I saw the video above I was like...

What is the world coming to when we allow
substances like alcohol to escape the magnifying glass,
but scrutinize another that hasn't killed


I get very testy (not upset) because I was one of the
people arrested for possession of a freakin' plant.

What's next?!
"Don't play with that grass
over there or you'll go to jail."


"Stop drinking tea because it kills your brain cells"

I mean come on...

Have you seen one of those Above the Influence commercials lately?
It's almost like they're joking...

Try to find one on TV if you haven't seen one.
They say something completely random like,

"I made my mother cry"...

and then ask at the end...

"Are you above the influence?"

I just laugh.
You don't see the same happening
for alcohol...

a substance that has claimed
that has claimed the lives of
Then I say to myself,
if it's not about lives...

it must be about money...
$ Hmmmm $

If you're in on this then you're probably scared right now...

"What's gonna happen to us?"

"They're gonna find out we're all liars"

Then what, right...

It's been nice but I gotta go write something else, this is crazy.

Thanx for tuning in!
from Team Pocketz

Why is Cannabis illegal?

There's this growing seed of consciousness.
And with this growing seed comes some questions...

Questions like...
How can we better serve our planet?
Can we do something to stop global warming?
How can we put an end to world suffering?
Why would a plant like Marijuana be illegal?

For the sake of humanity in general, I'm here to collaborate some interesting facts about something that may be the key to a revolution that is far past its due date...

That something is Marijuana.

Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings...
...that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug.

The actual story shows a much different picture...and may turn out to be the opposite.

The people who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were fed information by a group of people who's plan was to deceive lawmakers. The very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate.

The background behind marijuana's criminalization has been tainted with:

  • Fear
  • Racism
  • Protection of Corporate Profits
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
  • Personal Career Advancement and Greed
Here are some of the true backings behind its criminalized history...

Brief Background:
For most of human history, marijuana has been completely legal.
It's not a recently discovered plant, nor is it a long-standing law.
Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that it's been in use.
Its known uses go back further than 7,000 B.C. and it was legal
as recently as when Ronald Reagan was a boy.

The marijuana (hemp) plant, of course, has an incredible

number of uses. The earliest known woven fabric was

apparently of hemp, and over the centuries the plant

was used for food, incense, cloth, rope, and much more.

This adds to some of the confusion over its introduction in the United States, as the plant was well known from the early 1600's, but did not reach public awareness as a recreational drug until the early 1900's.

America's first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619.

It was a law "ordering" all farmers to grow Indian hempseed.

There were several other "must grow" laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp -- try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements - rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth.

The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp "plantations" (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.

Well with all that said I'm going to roll this video from the MPP

With all that said...
I'm off to write another blog
Thanx for tuning in!

Team Pocketz